Wednesday, August 11, 2010

NEWS X -a place worth to be

Now News X is the name of the channel where I did my one month internship - firstly as a compulsory part of my curriculum but later as an experience to be cherished. After a not so fulfilling experience at The Pioneer I was not particularly excited about the internship but the very first day brought in some change in my thinking. I was part of the National Bureau of the channel. On the first day itself I met a bunch of people who were so worth to be with.Everybody treated me like the sweet little kid who has come to learn. Coming to some of the personality traits (strange word to use na hehe) there was Aafreen Alam- the peppy reporter covering the environment ministry , educated in London , a complete rockstar! Then there was the very pretty Sneha Mordani- a reporter as well as anchor, very serious about her packagea but rest chilled out! Jaskirat Singh Bwaw was the Helper and the Problem solver! Yatish sir, senior political reporter,very generous (the one person you can ask for an extra leave or to go home early). To mention others there were geeta,ishan,bilal(his teeth were exactly like bunny rabbit) and not to forget our chief Seema Mustafa- very graceful and confident like wow!

I great working environment (and lot of work). It was a great great experience where I got a taste of professional life!!

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