Sunday, November 28, 2010


Two days after its over I still thought about Spandan - conventionally a media fest of the institute but actually something very close to the heart of every VIPSian. This time also the fervor and spirit were quite high right from the beginning, a little flaccid work towards the start and then the more rigorous hard work towards the end. There were as always mixed emotions, fights, tensions, conflicts but there were also some new friendships budding between the people who hadn't known each other well before the fifth semester For me it was even more more special because for the first time in all three years I participated in a dance performance for the valedictory function. There were however a few disappointments on account of some nasty comments by someone but while thinking of the whole experience it was an enriching cum fun experience. Spandan taught me many things ranging from event management to dealing with people both socially & professionally. So on in all SPANDAN 2010 will surely be registered in my the few of wonderful memories of my college life.

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